Auditing linux , unix 120 seconds flat

Well, most of us have seen the movie Gone in 60 seconds, so I decided to write a baseline script for auditing linux and most unix operating systems in well under 2 mins – averages about  130 seconds on my test Centos and Red hat distributions.

The script is modeled around most of the operating system controls as recommended by the Center of Internet Security.

What I really like about the script is the ease of downloading, using it and customizing it to fit your security risk appetite, and operating system flavour.

Below is a readme of the tool:


Below is a screen grab of how it looks like as it starts auditing your operating system:


Enough with screenshots, go have a look for yourself here.

Always happy to hear your feedback, issues and ofcourse pull requests 🙂


Nix – Auditor 2.0:

Change Log:

Added color variables BLUE, RED, NC (NO COLOR) and GREEN on lines 210 – 213 Applied color variables to “passed” and “failed” results in function func_wrapper on lines 1171 and – 1173

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